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Aus Ch Zodiac Sweet Pea ND84.4.jpg


Studio 10 2023

Aus Ch Zodiac Sweet Pea ND84.4.jpg
Welcome to Dry Creek Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Dry Creek Nigerian Goats are located in Pheasants Nest, NSW.
At Dry Creek, we are members of Australian Goat Breeders Inc. (AGB) and Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goats and Sheep (AABMGS).
All our does and bucks are DNA tested and certified through Massey University, New Zealand and registered. While wethers are registered as pets.​ Our herd is annually tested for Johnes Disease and CAE (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis).
Our breeding focus is on quality livestock for the pet and show market. Our herd consists of a variety of coloured does and bucks that produce appealing high percentage offspring.
General Enquiries
Get in touch!
To be added to our waitlist, please complete our Goat Waitlist Submission Form found in "Waitlist Submission" tab.

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